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Excerpt from Casting the First Stone


This is a series of documents that fell into my hands and I have felt that I have an obligation to fulfill the wishes of the whistleblower, who will remain anonymous, to release them. I know that I am liable for criminal prosecution due to the release of this material, but I feel I must get the story out to expose a long-standing attitude of the government of the United States toward its own people.

I was not even born when Matthew Sawyer met his fate. Likewise, it has been over 100 years since the United States took its course to define the America that we have today.

But since I was child, there have been the whispers about a time when a president might have begun to treat all of the residents of the United States with fairness – even to make them truly equals as partner-citizens in this country. Today, Americans are defined by the tone of their skin, the amount in their portfolio and bank account, and their status in society. I was raised within that “privilege”. But there is lingering kind of guilt within me. I see the rest of the world with its spectrum of races, beliefs, and cultures and wonder how they continue to flourish even without the “privileges” of paler skin tone, the tradition of Jesus, and the winner-takes-all mentality.

Within my doubts about Anglo-Saxon supremacy is the evidence that other races and cultures thrive, despite the hardships placed upon them by the three super powers. The documents that I have released here have further enlightened me to the fact that the powers that seized the United States over 100 years ago based their political philosophy on fear, rumor, and hate. There is also substantial evidence that United States, with a more sensitive philosophy to helm policy, would have battled against the oppressive regimes in Germany and Japan rather than mimicking and embracing their fierceness.

As I look at the documents here, I find that I have a great deal in common with Matthew Sawyer: I am not much older than he was when he was presented with the mission that would change his life. The remnants of what was once the Horowitz Group has sent me on a similar path. Sawyer struggled to find his place in a society that would have surely shunned him and I too will find that I will be shunned and could be sentenced to death, just as Sawyer was.

But I mostly found that the story of Matthew Sawyer places so much of the history that I have been taught over the years into a context with explanations that are not merely quick thought-bites flashing in my intraface. The research that I have done to report the story of the United States in real time through my webcasts and blogs now have a broader base. The questions I have raised over the years, with the disfavor of my own government, regarding how our American society got to this place now have some credence.

The “treasonous outlaws” that attained these documents certainly looked for a source to release it with a sense of credibility. I fear that whatever respect I have gained in my life as a journalist and chronicler of history will be lost because I chose to release them through a personal intrafeed platform. I suppose that I will be placed within the category of the fear-mongers, the conspiracy theorists, and the insane. I certainly will be immediately silenced and placed into custody. And the government will certainly attempt to erase these documents from the world’s platforms.

But just as we have seen with the documents released previously by the Horowitz Group, once these documents have wide-ranging release over the intrafeed, they are never truly erased. The files are grabbed and preserved and subject to release after release. The government’s only defense is to discredit the whistleblower (such an archaic term!) and label the documents as disinformation through the government’s own disinformation programs.

As for the validity and truth within these documents, I can only say that the government of the United States would have edited this to show the historical Untied States in the best light, rather than display the incidents of genocide, human experimentation, racial exploitation, callous disregard for its own citizens. There will be those that discredit these hyperbolic claims. But what I have released is both a transcript of the documents as well as the original undoctored copies of the official government documents to show a truer history of the United Sates through a single life: that of the Matthew Sawyer.


Frank Adler, Intrafeed Publisher, Leichenhaus, May 17, 2047



What follows is the transcription of the document file surrounding the case of Matthew Sawyer.



Note: Mr. Sawyer’s handwritten statement appear in bold face italics for the purposes of this report.

I have been allowed, after many years, to review the contents of the report on my activities between 1970 and 1978 along with a summary of my activities with All-American Security, Inc. This report has been considered “top secret” for many years and even though I lived through the events and contributed some of the text, I was never really able to view its full content until now.

I have been asked review the material and comment to my lawyers who are seeking a stay of my execution on multiple accounts of treason, sedition, and aiding to the comfort of the enemy.

Considering that I am 70 years old and reside at a retirement community near Sarasota, Florida, I do not think that I pose a danger to the United States and its people. But I have been advised to provide as much anecdotal material as possible to explain my actions beginning some 50 years ago.

I am writing my notes long-hand on the actual documents and my legal team will insert my “edited” comments within the text of the actual report. I have been told that my comments will appear in one format while the actual government report will appear in another.

The legal team appears in this text.

My hope is that I can not only live out my life with simplicity and dignity, but also begin to understand how all this happened to me. But I am also seeking redemption for me and for my country.

The country has accused me of betrayal. But I am the one that fells betrayed: I have always served my country with its best interests in mind and have never committed a treasonous act.

Matthew Sawyer, January 9, 2020




This is the official policy statement from a coalition of members of the Federal Police Force, The Agency, and the Office of the President of the United States. The purpose of this statement is to provide context from the official sources on the mission led by Matthew Sawyer in 1970 and the subsequent charges filed against him. This statement provides historical background and all materials provided to Sawyer during his missions as well as explanatory information for the purposes of this report and the official policies of the United States of America in the year 2020.


The Federal Police Force was created within the Department of Justice to allow for greater law enforcement capabilities without the need for coordination between state and local authorities. This need was viewed by President John Nance Garner in 1937 given the tumultuous times following the disappearance of President Franklin Roosevelt: the need to reign in lawlessness by certain racial groups, outside radical agitators seeking socialism, and those questioning the loyalty of Federal leaders caused Garner to enact the Executive Order that was later ratified in Federal statute by Congress in 1938.


The new agency was designed to bring not only law but order to country that was viewed to be in total chaos.


The death of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1936 was both dramatic and mysterious. FDR and the crew of the USS Indianapolis went to the bottom of the ocean following the president’s trip to South America in December of that year.


The death of Roosevelt was the avenue back to sanity from the noxious social programs established by the president during the national emergency of the Depression. Many felt that business could “resume” as usual without the restrictions placed upon the open market: laissez-faire could begin again. Further, the focus would be on business which drove the American machine; people would again be simply the producers and consumers within the grand scheme.


With FDR’s departure, the United States left by him was in peril from the forces both within the country and from outside the buffer zones of its oceans.


The social unrest that had finally been defeated over a decade earlier was rearing its ugly socialistic/communistic head once again. Folksingers, writers, and movie producers were forcing their agenda upon the American public. The “Negro Cause” was once again on the national stage. The unions were in an uproar because of eastern European Jews calling for strikes. Mexicans were infecting the United States with their language, their papist causes, and their large families. Asians were spying on America while they held allegiances to their ancestral homelands. Italians brought crime and corruption that covered America like a greasy, garlicky film. Desperate Americans took to crime, panhandling, and common begging instead finding honest work and depending upon the New Deal programs that sapped American initiative.


The world outside America was rapidly changing at the beginning of 1937 as well.


Although business found that the Third Reich in Germany was very profitable and its marketplace compatible, there was an instability within its leadership that was unnerving: Hitler’s decisions were sometimes unorthodox, rash, and unplanned -- so much so that business leaders throughout the world felt that Nazi Germany needed a more “tempered approach” toward its goals. The expansion of the Nazi Cause was “tolerated” by certain governmental and business leaders in the United States while others encouraged a more Nazi-like approach in America. Wall Street held out hope that the long-sought reparations from the Great War could be recouped by establishing a tolerant stand toward German Nazism. But the great unknown factor was how long Adolf Hitler could be kept on a leash: his expansion of the Third Reich throughout Europe (and beyond) was a major factor in establishing America’s foreign policy, especially on the business side. As some in the US government questioned the Nazi approach to their Jewish question, many in the American establishment welcomed it. (Later, of course, the United States would deal with its own “Jewish” question.)


The continuous rise of Imperial Japan as the major player in Asia was also noted by the governmental and corporate entities in the United States; it was determined that the United States should either deal with Japan in a businesslike manner or face the inevitable war. The Japanese were far more predictable but far less manageable: the leadership in the United States felt that they knew what the Japanese wanted and were willing to sanction their actions as long as it was good for the “bottom line”. The Japanese wished to assert their prowess and leadership is Asia (even causing turmoil in the British colony of India) while sustaining their “superior culture” off the resources of their conquests. They also wanted to expand into the West as their own “natural progression” just as the US had established their own policy of moving East: this could indeed lead to major tensions. Imperial Japan had seized American properties in Asia and forced dramatic reductions in profits: the “disorientation” of the American presence in Asia was alarming unless the United States could persuade Imperial Japan that it was in their own interest to allow an American presence in Japanese-occupied Asia.


The decisions that needed to be made in this tumultuous time period would be left to Roosevelt’s vice president, “Cactus Jack” Garner. The new president was relatively unknown outside of Washington DC and his home state of Texas, except for some of his more “folksy” and brash remarks about his VP office (the “bucket of piss” adage is most well-known). He had no real interest in governance and relied on his political friends and advisors to make the “correct decisions” about the state of the nation.


In one of his first acts as president, he was “encouraged” by those same advisors to establish the Hughes Commission, led by Supreme Court Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes, who once ran for president against Woodrow Wilson. The nation needed to establish the cause of the death of the most popular president in the history of the United States; Roosevelt was reelected in 1936 completely overwhelming his Republican opponent and sweeping Democrats into power in the Congress. The president also appeared to be able to reshape the Supreme Court as well.

He had died such a tragic and sudden death while in the hands of the United States Navy, a complete embarrassment and a cause celebre among pro-Roosevelt members of Congress and the press.


The circumstances were puzzling. Roosevelt was making his return voyage to the United States from his triumphant South American visit in December of 1936 when the USS Indianapolis vanished. Wireless signals had been constantly sent by the radioman on the heavy cruiser that had been commissioned only a month earlier. There had been no reports of any problems and the ship was completely cleared prior to the president boarding for the initial portion of the trip. The Communications Security Group of the U.S. Navy along with the Coast Signal Service had been tasked to maintain the position of the Indianapolis throughout the voyage. Communications had been tracked as far north as the third district of the CSS in Cape Fear, North Carolina and the ship had been tracked from Key West up through Miami and Jacksonville and from the station at St. Simons Island in Georgia. There were also reports from the remote stations in Puerto Rico and Cuba as well as reports from the U.S. Navy contingent stationed on Ascension Island with the Royal British Navy in the South Atlantic Ocean.


And then she was gone.


There was a frantic effort to dispatch rescue ships but there were many limitations to the possible rescue of any survivors due to the fact that the U.S. Navy had been recently focusing upon the activities of Imperial Japan rather than the outskirts of the Caribbean. There were no appropriate ships, other than the escort ships, in either Puerto Rico or Cuba. The Navy triangulated a general search area based upon radio transmissions received even as far south as Ascension Island in the South Atlantic. But the deployment of the rescue mission would take a great deal of time. The Indianapolis’ escort ships, the USS Phelps and the USS Mahan (both destroyers), searched frantically for the heavy cruiser. They found nothing until they were finally ordered back to Charleston. There were attempts by the small number of seaplanes available to search the fringes of the area where the Indianapolis went down. Frantic calls went out to other ships in the area carrying cargo to divert to that area in search for survivors.


Once the Navy finally reached the general area of the last known position of the Indianapolis, there was nothing. Whatever debris had floated to the surface had been carried away by the Gulfstream and the typical oil slick left by a sunken vessel had been quickly dispersed in the turbulent crosswinds.


The next few years would produce speculation that the ship had been commandeered by pirates and that the president was being held hostage. There were rumors that there had been a mutiny on a U.S. Navy ship and that the president had been killed. Some speculated that a bomb had been placed by terrorists in South America who wish to end the remnants of the Monroe Doctrine by striking back at an American president. The rumors and conspiracy theories would continue for the next two years until the hatband from the president’s famous fedora was found washed ashore at Daytona Beach in 1938. The American public would then accept the tragedy of a lost Navy heavy cruiser and its leader. The Hughes Commission concluded that the loss of Franklin Roosevelt and the USS Indianapolis was simply a tragic accident attributed to a freak storm in the Atlantic.


As consuming as the Roosevelt investigation had been, Garner and his administration moved on. The Congress passed a number of New Deal-like measures: nearly all were vetoed by the president as he was advised to sympathize more toward business.


But the Garner Administration continued to hammer home that the possible course of the United States entering a long arduous sequel of the Great War that many had expected was continuously averted: the US would no longer participate in foreign wars. While Germany defeated its greatest enemies in France and Russia and dominated England (this “quiet coup” allowed Britain some autonomy while they were paying heavy tributes to Germany for the privilege of maintaining its colonies in Southcentral Asia, Africa and the Middle East: Hitler saw this a revenge for the reparations following the Great War). The Garner Administration continued to actively trade with both Great Britain and Nazi Germany under a series on monumental treaties and trade agreements.


Imperial Japan would dominate the rest of Asia as prescribed by the agreement made by Theodore Roosevelt in 1905: the Japanese would seek out the natural resources from their colonies in China, Indochina, Manchuria, and eastern Russia (from a treaty with its “ally” in Nazi Germany). The Imperial Expansion certainly hurt American business interests in the region and the Garner Administration continued a prolonged series of negotiations on their behalf. There were some triumphs as Standard Oil was allowed to continue in China as a buffer against Royal Dutch Shell (now Nazi-owned) in Indonesia. But Garner resisted aiding the resistance in China (led by anti-American Communist forces) and promised the Japanese that the United States would not stand in the way of Imperial Japanese dominance in China. The Japanese also moved toward South-Central Asia (most notably, India) and Garner negotiated that Japanese expansion would move no further than the border between Persia and Afghanistan.


The United States under Garner would dominate the Western Hemisphere in an expansion of the Monroe Doctrine. South and Central America were seen by both political and business interests as a vast untapped wealth of natural and human resources. Oil in Mexico and Venezuela, cattle and other farming in Brazil and Argentina, gold and precious metals in Chile and Peru, and unlimited supply of cheap labor were all viewed as the path to a new American prosperity.


Thus, the United States, Nazi Germany, and Imperial Japan would maintain the “Uneasy Peace”. There have been struggles in skirmishes that have caused battles between each of the three: but each knows that this “uneasy alliance” must be maintained as a matter of security for each. If one of the entities were to assert their aggression upon another, the third entity would be available to fill the void left by war. But the creation of the atomic weapons has changed all that after Garner left office.


The brittleness of the “Atomic Peace” along with the need to maintain security and morale at home was the focus of the three powers. Each remained in a stance of preparing for war. Science and technology focused on weapons. Education veered from the arts and toward defense. Industry combined consumerism with military output.


Part of the negotiations with Nazi Germany involved the aggressive actions against certain minorities within the United States that would display a “good faith effort toward the sensitivities of the German people”. The Federal Police Force was established with specific missions toward isolating minorities within the borders of the United States. A particular goal was the capture and deportation of all Jews to Nazi Germany for disposition.    


This is the background for the mission that took place in 1970 involving FPF Officer Matthew Sawyer.
















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